How to Sell Puppies Online


Selling puppies online has become a popular and effective way for dog breeders to reach a wider audience and find loving homes for their puppies. In today's digital age, a strong online presence is crucial for any business, and breeding is no exception.

By utilizing websites, social media, and online marketplaces, breeders can easily showcase their puppies and connect with potential buyers from anywhere in the world.

In this article, we will discuss strategies for selling puppies online, including setting up an online presence, pricing your puppies, identifying your target market, marketing effectively, closing the sale, and improving your customer experience.

Whether you are a seasoned breeder or new to the industry, these tips will help you navigate the process of selling puppies online and find success in your breeding business.

Setting up an online presence

One of the first steps to selling puppies online is to establish an online presence for your breeding business. This will allow potential buyers to learn more about your business and the puppies you have available.

Creating a website for your breeding business: Having a dedicated website for your breeding business is a great way to showcase your puppies and provide potential buyers with important information about your business. Your website should include details about your breeding experience, the breeds you specialize in, and the health and care of your puppies. You should also include high-quality photos and videos of your puppies and their parents.

Add a blog to your website: As a dog breeder, a blog can be a valuable tool for promoting your program and puppies for sale. You can use a blog to share information about your breeding program, share updates about your litters, share stories and photos of past puppies, share tips and advice, and promote your puppies for sale.

“...lots of people find us through our blog posts - or those of others who are blogging about good breeders.” Megan Smith of Acadia Goldendoodles in Maine

Utilizing social media to market your puppies: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are great tools for reaching a wide audience and promoting your puppies. Share photos and updates about your puppies, as well as any important information about your breeding business. Make sure to use relevant hashtags and tag related pages and groups to increase the visibility of your posts.

“I post daily updates, with socialization exercises, cooperative care skills, ENS, ESD, etc…” Liz Maslow of Comfort Cavaliers in Pennsylvania

💡 Keep in mind that the sale of puppies is strictly prohibited on many social media platforms. Be sure to understand each platform’s Terms of Use before advertising on social media.

Using online classified websites and marketplaces to sell puppies: Online classified websites and marketplaces can be useful for selling puppies, but it is important to be cautious when using these platforms. Be sure to thoroughly research potential buyers and use safe payment and delivery methods to protect yourself and your puppies.

Here are some other creative ways you can advertise your puppies to compliment online tactics:

  • Hire a snail mail marketing company that will send out postcards or flyers to your local residents

  • Digital ads at local restaurants or other local businesses that run slideshows on TVs

  • Business cards and flyers on bulletin boards in local businesses

“I think it's great to reach out to the non-social media pet lovers. Not everyone is using technology for various reasons.” Kathy Pittman of Valness Yorkies LLC in Maryland

Pricing your puppies

Pricing your puppies correctly is an important factor in successfully selling them online. You want to set a price that is fair and competitive but also reflects the value of your puppies.

Researching market prices for similar breeds: Start by researching the market prices for puppies of similar breeds from programs similar to yours in your area. This will give you an idea of what buyers are willing to pay and help you determine a fair price for your puppies.

Setting price based on factors such as pedigree, size, and coloring: In addition to market prices, you should also consider other factors that may affect the value of your puppies. For example, puppies with a specialized pedigree or other unique traits may command a higher price.

Offering discounts or financing options: Consider offering discounts to repeat buyers, or offering financing options to help make your puppies more accessible to potential buyers. This can help increase the chances of making a sale and finding homes for your puppies.

💡 Consider making your puppy prices clear and easy to find online. Many buyers would like to know if your puppies fall within their budget before starting a conversation with you.

Identifying your target market

Before you can effectively market your puppies to potential customers, it's important to have a clear understanding of who your ideal customer is. Consider the characteristics and qualities that you value in a puppy owner, such as:

  • Responsible: Look for customers who are willing to make a long-term commitment to the care and well-being of their puppy. This may include factors such as having a secure and safe home environment, being willing to provide proper training and socialization, and being able to afford the financial responsibilities of pet ownership.

  • Committed: Seek out customers who are dedicated to their pets and willing to put in the time and effort to raise a well-behaved and healthy dog. This may include being committed to providing regular exercise, feeding a nutritious diet, and seeking out preventative healthcare measures.

  • Knowledgeable: Look for customers who have a strong understanding of the specific breed that you are selling, as well as general dog care knowledge. This can help ensure that the puppy will receive the proper care and attention it needs to thrive.

Using a puppy application as a part of your pet parent screening process could help you decide which customers are a good fit for your puppies.

In addition to identifying the characteristics of your ideal customer, it's also important to research local demographics and competition to get a better understanding of the market in your area. This can help you tailor your marketing efforts to reach the right audience and stand out from other breeders in the area.

If you are a newer breeder, consider working on building your waitlist before you even breed for the first time.

💡 Your TellTail membership can help you build waitlists for future litters!

“I haven't even bred my first litter and already have a wait list full of dedicated dog sports people, most of whom I know in real life or through the breed club. To me, there's no substitute for getting your dogs out in public and showing them off, networking within the breed club, and developing a solid reputation for having parent dogs that are truly talented, health tested, and exceptional.” Jessica F. of Rusty Rose Ranch

Marketing your puppies

Effective marketing is crucial for selling puppies online. You want to create attractive and informative listings that will grab the attention of potential buyers and convince them to choose your puppies.

Creating attractive and informative listings: When creating listings for your puppies, be sure to include high-quality photos and videos that show off their unique personalities and characteristics. Write detailed descriptions that highlight the breed, age, health history, and any training or socialization the puppies have received. You should also include information about the care and training required for the specific breed, as well as any guarantees or support you offer to new owners.

Using high-quality photos and videos: Using high-quality photos and videos is essential for showcasing your puppies and attracting potential buyers. Make sure to take clear, well-lit photos from multiple angles, and consider hiring a professional photographer if you are unable to take high-quality photos yourself. Videos can also be a great way to show off the personalities of your puppies and give potential buyers a better sense of what it would be like to own one.

“My daughter is really good at making YouTube shorts of the puppies playing outside. This last litter, she had over a thousand likes on a 2 minute video of puppies within a few hours. It didn't directly lead to any puppy sales this time but I think if we continue, the momentum will pick up and eventually puppy families will find us that way.” Elizabeth Meyers of Grace Springs Goldendoodles in Texas

Providing detailed information about the puppies: In addition to photos and videos, be sure to provide as much information as possible about your puppies in your listings. This includes details about the breed, age, health history, and any training or socialization they have received. Providing this information upfront can help attract serious buyers and reduce the number of inquiries you receive from people who are not ready or able to commit to a new puppy.

Highlight any added value that you offer with your puppies: Adding value to puppies is important for dog breeders because it can help to differentiate their puppies from others, ensure the health and well-being of the puppies, improve the breed, and increase the value of the puppies.

Here are some ideas that can help you add value to your puppies:

  • Provide proper care and nutrition. Share your diet and feeding routine with potential pet parents by posting pictures and videos of your puppies during mealtimes.

  • Socialize your puppies, and share pictures and videos of this process.

  • Obtaining health clearances for your breeding dogs is another way to add value to your puppies. By breeding dogs that have been cleared for conditions common within the breed, you can offer potential buyers peace of mind and increase the value of your puppies.

  • Another way to add value to your puppies is to offer a warranty or guarantee. A written warranty or guarantee that covers the puppy's health for a certain period of time can give potential buyers confidence in their purchase and increase the value of the puppy.

  • Breeding for quality can also add value to your puppies. By selecting breeding dogs with good conformation (physical structure and appearance) and temperament, you can produce puppies that are more valuable to buyers.

  • Finally, offering additional training or obedience classes can add value to your puppies and make them more attractive to buyers who are looking for a well-behaved companion. By providing these additional services, you can set your puppies apart from the competition and increase their value.

    “I used to send home a folder of printed reading material but I realized it was too much, too late and probably went to the round file. Now when the pups are 4 weeks old, I email many of those items as attachments to read and save electronically, along with shopping lists, crate size information, bringing puppy home 1 hr webinar by our trainer on simple things such as picking them up respectfully, getting familiar with the car/crate, first few days, etc. Their excitement and anticipation keeps them engaged when they still have time to review the items before adoption day.” Pam Berry of 4LoveOfGoldens in California

Closing the sale

Once you have connected with a potential buyer, there are a few steps you should take to close the sale and ensure a smooth transaction.

Communicating with potential buyers and answering their questions: It is important to keep the lines of communication open with potential buyers and promptly answer any questions they may have. Be transparent and honest about the puppies and the breeding process, and be prepared to provide references or documentation as needed.

Setting up a payment and delivery process: Establish a clear payment and delivery process that works for both you and the buyer. You may choose to accept payment through a secure online platform or by check, and you should also decide how the puppies will be delivered. Some options include meeting the buyer in person, using a professional pet shipping service, or allowing the buyer to pick up the puppy at your location.

Providing support and resources for new puppy owners: After the sale is complete, it is important to provide support and resources to the new puppy owners to help ensure a smooth transition. This may include providing a care guide, answering questions, and offering ongoing support as needed. Providing excellent customer service can help build trust and foster long-term relationships with your buyers.

Offering puppy payment plans: As a dog breeder, you want to ensure that the puppies you carefully raise and nurture go to loving homes where they will receive proper care. However, the cost of purchasing a puppy can be a significant barrier for some potential buyers. This is where financing options can come into play. By offering financing options to pet parents who want to purchase a puppy from your breeding business, you can increase the accessibility and affordability of your puppies, potentially attracting more buyers and increasing revenue.

Our breeders weighed in on whether or not offering financing is a good idea for their programs:

“I did payments once for a lady and she made half then moved. I found her and repossessed the dog after no payment for six months. He ended up being my first Bred By Champion. I don’t do payments anymore because of that deal.” Holly Merchant of Shawnkara Aussies in Utah

“I have financed three puppies before, all three were different financing options and all three worked out well with pup being paid in full at the end of the financing period. I considered the lowest price I am willing to accept for a pup if the person ends up not paying me. That lowest price is the price I set for the down payment I accept. I had no contract in place as the contract typically won't hold up in court anyway and going to court can cost more time and money than the final purchase price of the puppy.” Judith Fox-Fair of Riverhouse Bernedoodles in Pennsylvania

“We've done this twice, with people we know very well, and it turned out fine.” Krystal L. Beers of Highland Glenn in Washington

Improving your customer experience

Utilize customer feedback: Seek out customer feedback to learn about the experiences of those who have purchased puppies from you. Use this information to identify areas for improvement and make changes to enhance the customer experience. Consider offering follow-up support or resources to help new owners properly care for their puppies.

By prioritizing customer satisfaction, you can create a positive reputation for your breeding business and attract more high-quality customers in the future.

Consider a referral program:

“On my puppy application, I have a field where individuals can tell me who referred them to me. I sell a lot of puppies by referral! When I make a sale by direct referral, I send the referring family a 3-month Bark Box subscription. It costs me $100. My puppies sell for $2450, so I feel this is a reasonable amount of money to spend on a referral bonus.” Liza Marie Moon of Rebecca Creek Retrievers in Texas


Selling puppies online is a great way for dog breeders to reach a wider audience and find loving homes for their puppies. By setting up an online presence, pricing your puppies competitively, marketing effectively, and closing the sale smoothly, you can increase your chances of success in the breeding business. Using online platforms also allows for convenience and flexibility, as you can connect with potential buyers from anywhere in the world. While there are some risks involved in selling puppies online, by following best practices and using caution, you can protect yourself and your puppies while finding homes for your puppies. With the right strategies and a little bit of effort, you can successfully sell puppies online and grow your breeding business.


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